How To Lower ALKALINITY In A HOT TUB | Swim University

If the alkalinity in a hot tub is too high, it can reduce your sanitizer’s effectiveness and cause green water. But why is your hot tub alkalinity too high in the first place? And how do you lower your alkalinity? To lower alkalinity in a hot tub, you actually need to manage your pH levels.

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⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction to How To Lower Alkalinity In A Hot Tub
00:21 - What Is Hot Tub Alkalinity And pH
01:01 - What Causes High Alkalinity?
02:01 - How To Lower Alkalinity In A Hot Tub
02:49 - What If Alkalinity and pH Are Too Low
03:16 - How To Control Hot Tub Alkalinity and pH
04:00 - Hot Tub Care Video Course

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Swim University®️ has made swimming pool and hot tub care easy for more than 10 million homeowners. And each year, we continue to help more people with water chemistry, cleaning, and troubleshooting. We know taking care of a swimming pool or spa can be difficult. And it’s hard to find a trusted source of information. We get it! This is the reason we created Swim University®️.

😎 Visit our website for more in-depth information on spa maintenance and care:

Hayward Pro-Series Sand Filtering System: A Must Have For Your Pool

With summer nearing closer, you might have to consider your pool filtering sand options soon and this is where the Pro-Series Sand Filtering System from Hayward makes a grand entry. Agreed, Hayward is a tad pricey but not without reason. Employing the best and the most productive services when it comes to pool sand filtering, Hayward aims to give you a completely satisfactory pool cleansing experience.

How To Avoid Hot Tub Rash

Hot tub rash, itch or follicular dermatitis, is caused by a bacterial infection of the hair follicle. This can happen in a hot tub due to the hot water opening the pores of your skin and allowing the potential for bacteria to enter. Combine this with poorly maintained spa water or a persistent bio film buildup and you have a recipe for skin irritation or infection. Learn what you can do to prevent this from happening.

Pool Maintenance - Small Swimming Pool Vacuum Cleaners

If you own a swimming pool - be it above ground or below - you will need to maintain it regularly. This means not only making sure the water is properly cleaned and balanced for swimmers, but that debris is often removed. You will need to invest in a special vacuum cleaner designed to remove sand, leaves, sticks, and other things that sink to your pool floor and eventually clog your filters. Pool vacuums work to remove garbage quickly and efficiently, while helping clean your water so you can swim without worry.

Swimming Pool Enclosures for a Classy Weather Protection

Swimming pools add elegance, comfort and attraction to every home, restaurant, resort and even in the business' commercial building. Indoor and outdoor swimming pools are appropriate depending on the setting where it is located. They have both advantages and disadvantages so you should plan and decide what kind of swimming pool they should build in their respective places. When you have a pool in your place, it surely adds an indulging feeling of leisure and it is a refreshing way to unwind.

Why Do Hot Tub Covers Get Heavy?

Have you ever gone to open your hot tub and suddenly realized that you do not remember the cover being so heavy? This is a very common occurrence due to the unstoppable problem that exists with virtually all hot tub covers currently for sale. There may not be much that you can do about it but learn why your hot tub cover is heavy and how that is costing you a small fortune.


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