How To Change The SAND In Your POOL FILTER | Swim University

Matt and Dave walk you through a simple step-by-step guide to changing the sand in your swimming pool's sand filter. Learn how to properly remove the sand, add new sand, backwash the filter and get your pool back up and running smoothly.

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00:00 Introduction To How To Change The Sand In Your Pool Filter
00:28 Supplies You Need To Change Your Pool Filter Sand
00:51 Step 1. Remove The Drain Plug From The Filter Tank and Let Water Drain
01:02 Step 2. Remove Multiport Valve Collar or Clamp
01:16 Step 3. Unscrew The Unions and Remove The Multiport Valve
01:44 Step 4. Cover Standpipe With Duct Tape or Rubber Plug
01:55 Step 5. Remove The Sand With Shop Vac or Plastic Cup
02:21 Step 6. Check Laterals To Make Sure They Are Not Broken
02:38 Step 7. Rinse The Inside Of The Filter Tank
02:49 Step 8. Replace Drain Plug and Fill Tank Halfway With Water
03:20 Step 9. Pour Sand Into Filter
03:52 Step 10. Remove Tape or Plug from Standpipe and Replace The Multiport Valve
04:15 Step 11. Screw The Unions Back Into Place and Replace Multiport Valve Collar or Clamp
04:29 Step 12. Set Up Your Filter Backwash Hose and Backwash Your Filter
05:13 Step 13. Turn Multiport Valve From Backwash To Rinse
06:12 Visit For More Information

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Swim University®️ has made swimming pool and hot tub care easy for more than 10 million homeowners. And each year, we continue to help more people with water chemistry, cleaning, and troubleshooting. We know taking care of a swimming pool or spa can be difficult. And it’s hard to find a trusted source of information. We get it! This is the reason we created Swim University®️.

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