Polaris Cleaner Jets Are Clogged: Cleaning a Water Management System (Polaris P39 Shown)


The Polaris pressure cleaner is designed to run smoothly and last for decades but sometimes you may find it on the bottom of the pool not running. There are several moving parts to the cleaner and sometimes it is a mechanical problem. Often it is something very simple and one thing often overlooked is a clogged venturi.

How the cleaner operates can sometimes be an important clue to finding out the problem of why the cleaner is not moving. The Polaris cleaner operates on a separate return line with a dedicated booster pump. There is basically only one failsafe that will prevent debris from clogging the cleaner and that is a thimble-like screen in the cleaners feed hose line. Once debris gets past this point it has the potential of clogging up the cleaner.

So water is feed into the cleaner from the dedicated cleaner booster pump to the cleaner and it travels through a series of smaller tubs on the bottom of the cleaner and then out the top of the cleaner through the three venturi jets. Debris can also get caught in these tubes but usually, the water pressure is sufficient to push the debris into the venturi jets. Since the venturi jet opening is much smaller than the tube, this is usually the final resting place of the debris. The venturi mount as you will is known as the Polaris Water Management System.

To test the cleaner and to see if the venturi is clogged you can use a simple garden hose. Although the cleaner does require much higher pressure to operate, testing the cleaner does not require as much pressure. Attach the hose to the back of the cleaner where the feed hose connected to and turn it on. You should see a good steady stream of water coming out of all three venturi jets. If one or more has a weak stream chances are the venturi is clogged with some debris. In that case, take a wire and slide it into each venturi and try to break up any debris jamming it. Usually, that is enough to clear any debris in the venturi lines.

Occasionally you will need to take apart the entire cleaner and remove the Water Management System and do the same steps. With it, off of the cleaner, it is easier to access and cleanout. Taking it off requires you to take the cleaner partially apart so it is a step reserved for a more severe clog. But it is an option and a way to remove a more stubborn clog.

The best thing you can do is to prevent even a possibility of a clog. When you backwash or clean your pool filter is would be a good idea to disconnect your Polaris cleaner from the wall with the Quick Disconnect. This will prevent any debris from entering the cleaner line and possibly getting past the screen in the feed hose. You also want to make sure the screen in the feed hose is also intact and does not have any holes in it. Preventing a clog is always the best practice.

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